Geometry Help – Tutoring and Homeschooling provides customized Geometry help. Whether you need tutoring on a specific lesson or a comprehensive homeschool curriculum, we have your online Geometry solution. Start now by selecting the button below!


*"Tutoring" recommended for classroom students


  • 1 Adding and Subtracting Integers
  • 2 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
  • 3 Equations Involving the Distributive Property
  • 4 Equations with the Variable on Both Sides
  • 5 Points, Lines, Planes, and Space
  • 6 Segments, Rays, and Length
  • 7 Segment Addition Postulate and Midpoint
  • 8 Angles and Measure
  • 9 Angle Addition Postulate and Angle Bisector
  • 10 Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning
  • 11 Conditional Statements
  • 12 Properties
  • 13 Algebra Proofs with Properties
  • 14 Geometry Proofs with Midpoints and Angle Bisectors

Angle pairs & perpendicular lines

  • 15 Solving Systems by Addition
  • 16 Solving Systems by Substitution and Method of Choice
  • 17 Factoring Trinomials
  • 18 Factoring Trinomials and Difference of Two Squares
  • 19 Polynomial Equations
  • 20 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
  • 21 Advanced Complementary and Supplementary Angles
  • 22 Vertical Angles
  • 23 Problems Involving Perpendicular Lines
  • 24 Theorems Involving Perpendicular Lines

Parallel lines and polygons

  • 25 Parallel Lines Vocabulary
  • 26 Given Lines are Parallel
  • 27 Proving Lines are Parallel
  • 28 Triangle Vocabulary and Triangle Sum Theorem
  • 29 Advanced Triangle Sum Theorem
  • 30 Triangle Word Problems and Exterior Angle Theorem
  • 31 Polygon Vocabulary
  • 32 Sum of Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon
  • 33 Regular Polygons


  • 34 Congruent Figures
  • 35 Proving Triangles are Congruent by SSS, SAS, and ASA
  • 36 Isosceles Triangle Theorems
  • 37 Proving Triangles are Congruent by AAS and HL
  • 38 Medians, Altitudes, and Perpendicular Bisectors


  • 39 Properties of Parallelograms
  • 40 Proving a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram
  • 41 More Parallel Line Theorems
  • 42 Rectangles, Rhombuses, and Squares
  • 43 Trapezoids


  • 44 Ratio
  • 45 Proportion
  • 46 Properties of Similar Polygons
  • 47 Angle-Angle Similarity Postulate
  • 48 Similarity Word Problems
  • 49 SSS and SAS Similarity Theorems
  • 50 Triangle Proportionality and Triangle Angle-Bisector Theorems

Right triangles

  • 51 Simplifying Square Roots
  • 52 Multiplying Square Roots
  • 53 Dividing Square Roots
  • 54 Adding and Subtracting Square Roots
  • 55 Pythagorean Theorem
  • 56 Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems
  • 57 Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
  • 58 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 Degree Triangles
  • 59 Advanced 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 Degree Triangles
  • 60 Sine, Cosine, and Tangent
  • 61 Sine, Cosine, and Tangent with a Calculator
  • 62 Trigonometry Word Problems


  • 63 Circle Vocabulary
  • 64 Tangents
  • 65 Arcs and Central Angles
  • 66 Arcs and Chords
  • 67 Advanced Arcs and Chords
  • 68 Inscribed Angles
  • 69 Angles Formed by Chords, Secants, and Tangents
  • 70 Circle Segment Lengths
  • 71 Advanced Circle Segment Lengths


  • 72 Area of Rectangles and Squares
  • 73 Advanced Area of Rectangles and Squares
  • 74 Area of Parallelograms
  • 75 Area of Triangles
  • 76 Area of Rhombuses
  • 77 Area of Trapezoids
  • 78 Area of Regular Polygons
  • 79 Area and Circumference of Circles


What is the easiest way to learn Geometry?

Using an online Geometry course might be the easiest way to learn the subject. If you are interested in this approach, consider a program that includes one-on-one instruction in conjunction with features such as cumulative reviews, interactive tests, and a comprehensive grade report that automatically records scores.

Based on 275 reviews
I took my TSIA2 exam today and I scored a 966 on the math portion! I’m very grateful to the course on math help. It really helped refresh my brain on all the math concepts I had learned in high school. I really enjoyed the word problems, especially the help on translating English to algebra. I learned so much and the repetition of it all really helped everything stick! Thank you for all the math help!
This course was amazing!! I recently went back to school and had to take the Accuplacer test for math. I have not been in a math class for over 14 years. This course helped me pass and get placed in college level algebra. Definitely recommend this course.
My ALEKS test went well when I used MathHelp! The most helpful tool to use was the review at every section and especially the final exam feature at the end. I loved having practice taking math tests again. It had been a long time! I loved how if I had a problem understanding any topic, I could use the links provided to go back and understand the background for each step. (For me, this applied to a lot of the exponential expressions and geometry stuff). I can't thank you enough for your program! It was great and I feel so much more confident about my success in my math classes coming up!

How can I improve my Geometry skills?

As with any math course, time spent practicing is the best way to improve Geometry skills. The best websites for learning Geometry will include practice problems with complete audio explanations along with printable extra problems and notes. The most important skills to develop are listed below.

  • Master processes from Algebra, such as simplifying and evaluating expressions, writing and solving linear equations, and graphing
  • Recognize basic shapes and understand their properties
  • Enhance memorization abilities
  • Improve logical thinking
  • Increase attention to detail

What is taught in high school Geometry?

High school Geometry lessons focus on size, shape, position, and dimension. (The name of the course literally means “earth measure.”) The following is a list of concepts typically included in the curriculum.

  1. Points, lines, planes, and space
  2. Line segments, rays, and angles
  3. Parallel and perpendicular lines
  4. Triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons
  5. Congruence and similarity
  6. Right triangles and trigonometry
  7. Circles and their properties
  8. Three-dimensional figures
  9. Measurement, area, surface area, and volume
  10. Reasoning, proofs, and logical thinking

What grade is Geometry taught in high school?

Geometry is usually taught in 10th grade. It can also be taught in 9th grade, but only if the students have already
taken Algebra 1.

Can I take Geometry online?

Yes, you can successfully take a Geometry class online. However, you’ll need a stand-alone course with all of the features listed below.

  • A teacher inside every example and practice problem
  • Guided practice to build skills
  • Printable worksheets for independent and extra practice
  • Printable notes to highlight and annotate
  • Diagnostic quizzes to identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Background lessons to build foundational skills
  • Cumulative reviews to reinforce and retain prior learning
  • Interactive tests and grade reports for immediate feedback

How do you pass Geometry?

If you’re wondering how to pass Geometry, the most important thing to know is that each new concept builds on the previous one, so you can’t afford to fall behind. The best online Geometry help will have background lessons built into each new concept to make sure you’re always up to speed.

Is Geometry hard to learn?

High school Geometry can be hard to learn because it represents a new way of thinking about math. Students must apply logical and spatial reasoning in addition to problem solving skills in order to understand the lessons.

Why do students struggle with Geometry?

Some of the reasons that students struggle with Geometry are listed below.

  1. They can’t remember the background Algebra concepts that are often required.
  2. They aren’t familiar with the properties of basic shapes and have trouble visualizing a problem-solving strategy.
  3. They haven’t taken the time to memorize the vocabulary necessary to answer the questions correctly.

Is Geometry easier than Algebra?

Whether or not Geometry is easier depends on the individual student. For some students, it’s easier because they like the visual aspect of working with shapes, and there’s often more than one way to solve a problem. Other students find Algebra easier, however, because it involves a procedure for solving problems and has more in common with other math courses.

How do you study for Geometry?

The best way to study is to do your Geometry homework assignments neatly on paper. Because it’s such a visual course, it’s a big help when you can see your work clearly and you organize it well. A great way to learn how to show your work is to use an online Geometry tutor in the form of a video instructor who presents all the steps in the examples and provides guided practice as well.

How much does a Geometry tutor cost?

The average cost of a Geometry tutor ranges from $35 to $50 per hour. However, depending on your situation and the expertise of the instructor, the hourly cost can be as high as $100. If you’re seeking an affordable alternative to hiring a high school Geometry tutor, an online program that features one-on-one instruction may be just the ticket.

How do you solve Geometry problems easily?

Students in need of Geometry homework help can use the following steps to solve problems more easily.

  • Read the problem carefully.
  • Study and label the given figure or draw one of your own.
  • List the information given and identify any that is unnecessary.
  • Note what you are asked to find and identify related definitions, theorems, and postulates.
  • Look at similar example solutions and set up a method or an equation to be used.
  • Implement your solution plan.
  • State your solution and check the results.

Can I skip Geometry and go to Algebra 2?

Because concepts from high school Geometry lessons can be helpful when solving Algebra 2 problems, it would not be a good idea to skip the course. If you do go straight from Algebra 1 to Algebra 2, however, you must then take Geometry. In other words, you can’t skip the course entirely – it’s too important.

Is Geometry useful in real life?

Geometry is very useful in the real world and in everyday life. In addition to being found in nature, it’s used for measuring, building, art, and design. The importance of studying this course is demonstrated by the many jobs that require its use. Some examples are listed below.

  • Architect
  • Computer Graphics and Video Game Design
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Robotics
  • Medical Imaging
  • Surveyor
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Cartographer
  • Astronomy

What makes Geometry from MathHelp different?

Unlike other programs, MathHelp was developed by a teacher from one of the top private schools in the country. The instruction and practice are therefore of the highest possible quality. Homeschool families can immediately upgrade their math curriculum to a world-class level, and any parent can provide his or her child with the equivalent of a $20,000-a-year private school education for a tiny fraction of the cost.


*"Tutoring" recommended for classroom students

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