ASVAB Math Test Prep

Make sure you're ready to pass your ASVAB test so that you can enlist in the U.S. military and qualify for the position you want. Get started by clicking below!

What is the ASVAB Test?

The ASVAB test is a comprehensive assessment used to evaluate eligibility and placement for careers in the U.S. military. It encompasses various sections, including the critical mathematics knowledge test. Excelling in this test can significantly broaden your career opportunities within the armed forces. An online ASVAB prep course is highly recommended to ensure readiness for the ASVAB. This course provides tailored lessons to boost your competencies in essential areas, preparing you thoroughly for the test.

I found the GMAT course extremely helpful especially for someone like me who was revisiting these subjects after almost 30 years from my high school graduation. The materials are organized in a very smooth way and are taught with clarity and ample practice tests. Thanks again for the course
It was great! The elements I felt that most helped me were all of the tests and practices that came after watching the various videos in each of the sections. Not only that, but each teacher/professor was very helpful in explaining how to work problems and telling me to keep some things in mind when doing a specific equation, graphing, etc. In all honesty, everything that had to do with MathHelp was extremely concise and simple to work.
I passed the PRAXIS with the help of your program. I really liked the break out of each section and the grades it showed of my test while working through it. I really like the practice test questions with instant feedback if I got the answer correct or not. I like that I had the final exam as well and it helped give a snap shot of the areas I need to work on. I had used another program but did not pass my test...thank you for putting this together. I like the bonus buttons as well if I needed more work in a certain area. The blond teacher is the best and good to see other instructors as well.
I loved your teaching throughout this program! Thank you for all the hard work you put into compiling and teaching such a stream-lined curriculum. I only needed to test into MAT142 at Arizona State University to continue my education but it’s been 15 years since my last math course and as a nurse, I use some basic math for drug dosage calculations or area under the curve for chemotherapy calculations but this program was a great refresher for everything in between. I had super limited time to view the program, so I had to skip some on the more advanced trig, calculus and statistics sections and go ahead and take the ALEKS test so I could enroll for spring semester but I was able to test in to the math class I needed, so I consider it a success. I wouldn’t have felt anywhere near as confident going in if I hadn’t completed the program first.

I definitely think every section was very well thought out. The practice questions and the test questions were a definite bonus. It gave me plenty of chances to try out problems without guidance and the ability to review the written out solution for each answer was phenomenal. I was also grateful for the ability to skip around, to see my progress and scores and to be able to speed up the audio for each section. The reminders and pointing out the common mistakes that students make was a great touch! It made me think about what could trip me up later on and those little tidbits will stick with me.

I sincerely appreciate your help and I may be back later on if my course doesn’t provide the caliber of teaching that this program did.
The ALEKS test went as well as it could for somebody that’s been out of the classroom for 25 years. The MathHelp site actually helped me a ton to prep. I don't have to take remedial math thank goodness. The ALEKS prep broke out the subjects beautifully and allowed you to build on it if you needed to. I hopped around a bit myself, but overall super easy to navigate either way you do it. Thanks!
The Accuplacer went great, I was studying to place a class higher and was able to accomplish that goal. What I appreciated about Math Help was its clean layout and structure to be able to move quickly between videos and practice tests for each skill. I really feel like using this tool was a crucial part of me being able to advance in classes so quickly.
The course and the format were very well thought out and it did help me to pass a university math placement enough to not have to take remedial college math classes. It was good refresher even though being away from university and college math for over 30 years. I would highly recommend this math help for anyone that needs to get back to the basics. Also, the way it is taught with explanations, practice problems and test questions for every concept covered.
Thanks to Mathhelp I scored three levels above where I needed to be on my Aleks test. Fantastic course. I really liked how you could change the speed of playback - I would usually watch at 1.5x speed. If I could have done that when I was taking math in high school I wouldn't have been so bored. The tests and review units were all really well done and everything helped. Thanks so much for all the work you put into this, it's really great!
This course was amazing!! I recently went back to school and had to take the Accuplacer test for math. I have not been in a math class for over 14 years. This course helped me pass and get placed in college level algebra. Definitely recommend this course.
My daughter did well on her math placement test to get into college/honors calculus for her high school. She improved her score by 40%. The program helped her "learn" how to study.
The ALEKS test went great. I hadn't taken a math class for over 5 years so I was a little nervous to take the test so I wanted to be as prepared as possible when taking the test. It was really helpful in refreshing my memory and teaching me things I never learned. What I found most helpful was the video lessons as they helped walk me through everything. The program was really helpful.
Preparing for any test can be nerve-racking, especially when it’s a subject you struggle with or have not practiced in a while. When I needed to prepare for the Accuplacer Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics I found all the resources I needed on MathHelp. The lessons are concise, thorough, and easy to understand. When my test day rolled around I felt confident in my abilities. I ended up passing with flying colors and even exceeded my own expectations. I would recommend MathHelp to anyone who wants to improve their understanding and confidence before their test day!
passed the TExES core subjects ec-6 math exam!!! The videos really broke down each skills for me. I liked how many practice questions there were after each lesson for practice for the test for the bonus. I really liked it. The videos with the blonde woman were the most helpful. I feel like she really broke down each problem and explained each element that helped me a lot.
Thank you! I passed my NYSTCE Grades 1-6 exam and did surprisingly well. I haven’t taken a math course in 20 years so I was nervous. I liked that I could go through all of the lessons, test my current knowledge and then focus on the areas with the most need. I felt the lessons were taught at a level I could understand. I appreciate the course I took so much, it helped me out for sure. I got a 557 on a test that I thought would be near impossible for me to pass.
Test Praxis 5003 Elementary Math.
I just got my Praxis Elementary score and I did great, scoring 184. Your course was the reason. I did all the lessons.
I annihilated the TSIA2 test! The most helpful part of the course for me was it’s step-by-step format and practice questions and its slowly ramps up in difficulty - which kept me motivated. The way the course is formatted made it incredibly satisfying and easy to learn.
The Accuplacer test went well and my daughter scored high enough to get into the college math class she needed to take. We really liked the program. It was great how there were the explanation videos which were really good and then the practice and then the quizzes. I liked how if she already knew something we could skip right to the quiz part and if she was struggling with something we could watch the explanations a couple times and then see the practice problems worked. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get her ready for that placement test before I found your program and it was just what we needed. I would definitely recommend it.
Passed the math placement test! I liked the course very much, simple to navigate, videos are very easy to follow; loved the practice part and small test after every lesson. I think you guys did an amazing job putting this together! Thank you!
My AccuPlacer test went very smooth thanks to the MathHelp lessons. All throughout the course I was thinking “this is refreshing my brain so well, while also teaching me lessons much more efficiently than what I have learned in the past”. The course was great.
I haven't taken a formal math class for 25+ years. I was worried about the placement test for re enrolling in college. Math help did a great job dusting off the cobwebs and taught me enough to get into the course I needed. I thought the lessons were very good and thorough to give me the refreshers I needed to get the job done.
I am very pleased to say that I was able to pass the PRAXIS Elementary test on the first attempt. This wouldn’t been possible without mathhelp. Everything that was offered during the course I saw back at the test as well. For me everything was helpful especially the extra explanations and the subtests.
I'm 47 and recently needed to use your site in order to get a training grant for an IT certification. I did well on the CASA exam today - not a perfect score or anything but I passed comfortably. I like how each module is set up. Watch the video, work on practice problems or bonus if necessary and then do the test. I would have loved something like this in grammar or high school. Each module reminded me of the old math books without the extra unnecessary stuff just get right to the point. You guys have a great website, keep up the good work!
Mathhelp was so helpful to me in passing my ALEKS test and my two other math classes. I am now a college graduate! The instructors were both knowledgeable and patient and the lessons were easy to follow. I could test myself over and over till I understood a problem. As a “non-math person,” whose last math class was over 35 years ago, I would never have made it without Mathhelp. It was worth every penny and then some. I. Will always be grateful. Keep of the great work.
My ALEKS test went well when I used MathHelp! The most helpful tool to use was the review at every section and especially the final exam feature at the end. I loved having practice taking math tests again. It had been a long time! I loved how if I had a problem understanding any topic, I could use the links provided to go back and understand the background for each step. (For me, this applied to a lot of the exponential expressions and geometry stuff). I can't thank you enough for your program! It was great and I feel so much more confident about my success in my math classes coming up!
I passed my TSIA2 test, and honestly I tried out so many different websites; Mathhelp was by far the best and worth every penny! It was easy to follow and went over exactly what I needed to know.
I’m a huge fan!

Both the Accuplacer and ALEKS courses were spot.

I set a goal to see if I could cram learn and test into precalculus/ trigonometry inside of just two weeks - and I did it!

I sincerely could barely do the foil method and I didn’t even know how to do long division and because of the course, and particularly Matt’s clarity in the lessons, I now play with functions for fun. :)

Super grateful.
I PASSED the PRAXIS test on my first try after using your product. Not only did I pass, I got a 166!!!! That’s a score I never thought I’d get. The small snippet videos were definitely a game changer for me.
My math placement test was so great, I was able to enter directly into my college class without taking the test a second time. I am so grateful. The elements of the course that were most helpful for me were radicals, addition of polynomials, measurements (a lot of questions here), inequalities, and word problems. Again thank you so much, my twin brother is about to subscribe because he also has a math placement test very soon. I told him about this, but he did not believe me. Now, the results have spoken, and he wants to take the course too.
My PRAXIS test went well - I passed. I wouldn’t have been able to without this course. Thank you! I liked being able to “test out” of a section. I also enjoyed the explanations with each part. I believe it was comprehensive and well structured. Thank you!
I work as an elementary teacher. I had to enroll in a Math for Teachers course with Thompson Rivers University. I signed up for MathHelp’s Math Placement Test Prep in preparation for my university course. I did this as a refresher, because I went to high school over 30 years ago. I actually had fun doing Mathhelp’s course. I loved it for many reasons. The teachers are excellent. The videos and explanations are short and clear, and every unit is very thorough. The review exercises were excellent as well: just the right amount and difficulty. I loved being able to add a checkmark on every unit I had mastered, and by the end of the course I felt prepared and confident. It took a lot of anxiety off going back to university to take a Math course as a mature student. It was totally worth it: I did fantastic at my Math for Teachers course, and I was probably more prepared than most of the students in my cohort. Thank you! I 100% recommend it. My daughter is in grade 6, so I will probably sign up again for courses for her when she is in high school. Thank you for your fantastic courses!
Aleks test went well. The videos combined with the practice and test format with extra help videos on the side were great. The course is laid out perfectly.
Helped me complete a placement test to land in the class I need. The videos were super clear. They showed EVERY step, which had been a problem I was encountering with other learning sites. The instructions were well paced and easy to follow. Also, it gave me enough questions to actually practice the concept I just learned. Being able to practice over and over again, with fresh questions, on the test at the end of each segment was the best part. I'll use it again down the line.

How do you ace the ASVAB?

To ace the ASVAB, we recommend the following steps.

1. Ease into it

The best ASVAB programs take an incremental approach, gradually easing you into each concept, then fully supporting you along the way. Ideally, you’ll start with engaging whiteboard videos that clearly introduce the concept. Then, you'll go through ASVAB math test prep practice problems step-by-step with integrated audio explanations that crystalize your understanding. Finally, you’ll confirm you have it all down with a short quiz.

2. Focus on areas that need improvement

Your study time is limited, so nothing should be covered in your ASVAB course that isn't on the test. It’s critical to begin each lesson with a pre-test, so that if you already understand the concept and pass the pre-test, you can skip that section. Using this diagnostic method, your ASVAB math practice test will actively customize itself to your specific needs, letting you focus your study time where you need it most.

3. Shore up your fundamentals

If you’ve always struggled with math and you’re more concerned with surviving the course rather than skipping through it, make sure you can build your background when needed. To help you along, remedial lessons should be paired with each concept. This way you can go back to the basics to establish a firm understanding before returning to the flow of the course. Whether you need a little help or a lot, make sure your ASVAB math study guide has you covered!

For thorough preparation, engage in a dynamic practice course that provides an interactive learning environment. This method helps you stay focused and motivated throughout your study period. Additionally, a comprehensive ASVAB mathematics knowledge practice test can ensure you haven't missed any crucial material, allowing multiple attempts for mastery. Finally, ASVAB practice questions can boost your confidence and readiness for the exam.

How is MathHelp different?

Unlike most programs that are filled with tedious, repetitive questions and painfully convoluted explanations, the MathHelp system is dynamic and engaging. Our ASVAB math test prep uses an interactive multimedia approach to our instruction and practice that keeps students dialed in, supported by detailed progress reports that provide encouragement and motivation.

To round out the program, we include one last check on your status at the end of your journey. Our comprehensive ASVAB math practice test provides a solid review of the material and makes certain you haven’t missed anything. Note that this “final exam” can be taken as many times as you like because it generates new questions every time.

You could pay for an expensive class or a private tutor, but why? Our self-guided program gives you all the same benefits without the high cost. For over a decade, MathHelp has been the best ASVAB math test prep choice for thousands of new recruits, and we hope you’ll have the opportunity to benefit from our program as well

How should I prepare for the ASVAB?

We recommend the following study tips when preparing for the ASVAB.

  1. Target the subjects that cause the most trouble, such as math.
  2. Set a schedule for your ASVAB test prep each week.
  3. Eliminate distractions by finding a quiet place to study.
  4. Devote a minimum of one hour to each study session.
  5. Take breaks but make them short.
  6. Use practice tests to make sure you’re ready.

What score do you need to pass the ASVAB?

The score you need to pass the ASVAB depends on which branch of the military you’re joining and whether you have a high school diploma or a GED. If you have a GED, you need a 50 to pass the ASVAB for any branch of the military. If you have a high school diploma, you need the following scores to pass the ASVAB: 31 for the Army, 35 for the Navy or the Marine Corps, and 40 for the Coast Guard.

Is getting a 50 on the ASVAB hard?

Getting a 50 on the ASVAB isn’t too hard because it’s the average score of all test-takers. You shouldn’t find it very hard to score a 50 as long as you spend some time with an ASVAB prep course.

Is the ASVAB test hard to pass?

The ASVAB test is hard to pass for students who struggle with math because two of the four sections that determine your AFQT score are Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge. The ASVAB is also hard to pass for students who don’t speak English well because the other two sections are Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension. There’s no need to worry, however, if you take the time to prepare.

How do I pass the ASVAB?

If you’re wondering how to pass the ASVAB, start by finding a test prep course that suits your learning style. For example, most students do better with engaging video instruction and guided practice rather than boring sample questions with limited explanations.

What is considered a good score on the ASVAB?

A good score on the ASVAB is anything above a 50. It’s important to understand, however, that a 70 will give you better career options and a 90 or above could lead to an officer track. In other words, why just try for a good score on the ASVAB when a great score will open so many doors?

What kind of math is on the ASVAB?

There are two ASVAB math tests: Arithmetic Reasoning and Math Knowledge. The Arithmetic Reasoning test covers word problems that involve arithmetic. The Math Knowledge test covers high school math skills.

What do I need to know for the math ASVAB?

You’ll need to know the following math concepts for the ASVAB.

  • Arithmetic word problems
  • Order of operations
  • Fractions and decimals
  • Number patterns
  • Ratio, proportion, and percent
  • Geometry formulas
  • Functions
  • Factorials

Is the ASVAB Math hard?

The ASVAB math can be difficult because it covers challenging concepts such as word problems and high school math. With the right preparation, however, there’s no reason the test should be very hard.

How do I pass the math ASVAB?

Here are some tips to help you pass the math subtests of the ASVAB exam.

  1. Know the order of operations. This concept will haunt you throughout the test if you don’t have it down.
  2. Memorize formulas. As part of your ASVAB test prep, commit key formulas to memory. Quick recall of formulas can speed things up so that you’re not pressed for time when you take the actual test.
  3. Use pencil and paper. Avoid common mistakes by writing down the steps as you work each problem. All the ASVAB prep in the world won’t help if you try to do everything in your head.
  4. Plug in the answer choices. As a last resort on more difficult problems, substitute each answer choice back into the equation to see if it works.
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