FTCE General Knowledge Math Test Prep

Prepare yourself for the FTCE math test so that you can secure your Florida teacher certification. Click below to start!

What kind of math is on the FTCE GKT test?

The questions on the FTCE General Knowledge Math exam cover Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry. The Geometry questions are very basic, but some of the Algebra is a little more advanced. For example, Inequalities and Linear Equations feature prominently on the test.

Based on 252 reviews
My FTCE Math test went great and I passed. Your program was exceptional. I loved all facets of it. I like the fact that if you knew one component you could take an exit ticket and move on to the next section. The videos were awesome too.
Pamela Williams
Pamela Williams
14:18 10 Apr 22
As a math-phobe, I needed as much help on the FTCE math test as could get. A teacher at my school suggested your program. I loved your back-to-basics approach to help someone like me, a 58-year-old who never liked or could do math. I found your instructions and lots of practice questions and tests to be extremely helpful. I took many of the questions over and over again to get the steps correct. I always especially had trouble with measurements and geometry, and I think your program helped ease my anxiety and confront those questions head on. It also helped me get straight in my head the positives/negatives and when they apply in addition, multiplication, etc., as well as how to take a word problem and make it into a solvable algebra equation. It was an extremely helpful program for me. Keep up the great work!
Linda Ossman
Linda Ossman
20:38 17 Jan 22

What does FTCE stand for?

FTCE stands for the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations. If you’re preparing to become a certified teacher in Florida, you’ll need to know how to pass the FTCE. This lengthy battery of tests includes four general knowledge exams, one of which focuses on math. The math section is often the most challenging, so it’s a good idea to take an FTCE math test prep course.

How hard is the FTCE general knowledge test?

The FTCE General Knowledge Test (GKT) shouldn’t be too hard because it only covers the core skills in the various subject areas. However, if you’ve struggled in the past with a certain subject, such as math, and you don’t spend the time to prepare, the test can be quite difficult.

How do I pass the FTCE math?

To pass the FTCE GKT Math, it’s helpful to use a program that incorporates whiteboard videos that introduce the lesson concepts clearly and concisely. To cement your understanding, you’ll also need step-by-step guided practice problems with complete audio explanations. Finally, your program should allow you to test yourself to be certain you’re ready to pass the FTCE GKT test.

How much time does it take to prepare for the FTCE math?

In general, it takes one to three months to prepare for the FTCE math. Pre-tests can help reduce the amount of time you’ll need because they allow you to skip lessons you already understand, channeling your efforts toward the topics you don’t know. Another way to get ready for the test quickly is to focus on the exact topics that are required and nothing more, so that every second of your prep time is productive. If a math concept isn’t covered in the FTCE test, you don’t want to spend any time on it.

How many questions are on the FTCE general knowledge test?

The math section of the FTCE general knowledge test consists of 45 questions that are all multiple choice. If math has never been your strong suit, or you simply haven’t focused on it in a very long time and feel you’ll struggle to pass the FTCE math test, a refresher of the basics might be in order. Look for a program that includes links that take you all the way back to square one if necessary. These “background lessons” will help you reestablish a strong foundation before advancing to the more sophisticated concepts in your FTCE math test prep course.

How many times can you take the FTCE exam?

You can take the FTCE exam an unlimited number of times. In other words, if you aren’t able to pass the test, you can simply go back to the drawing board and prepare for your next attempt. Therefore, you’ll want an FTCE test prep course that’s highly engaging. Nobody wants to slog through page after page of dull questions online or deal with written explanations in a test prep book, particularly if you’re preparing for the test multiple times. Learning can be much more interesting if it incorporates an interactive multimedia approach to the instruction and practice, as well as robust progress reports that help you focus and stay on task.

What score do you need to pass the FTCE Math?

To pass the FTCE math sub-test, you must answer 72% of the questions correctly. Therefore, once you’ve completed your preparation, it’s critical to review what you’ve learned with a comprehensive FTCE math practice test. It’s also helpful if this “final exam” generates new questions each time, so that you can take it again and again until you answer at least 72% of the questions correctly, which is the score you need to pass the FTCE GKT Math.

How much is the FTCE test?

If you’re taking all four FTCE sub-tests, it will cost you over $100, so you don’t want to spend a lot of money preparing for the test with an expensive private tutor or in-person class. The best FTCE study guide will simulate the exact same thing in an affordable way.

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