Rhode Island GED Math Test Prep Course

If you’re interested in getting your GED certificate in Rhode Island, make sure you’re thoroughly prepared for the math section of the test. Whether you live in Providence, Cranston, Warwick, or anywhere else in The Ocean State, you will likely find that math is the hardest part of the GED test to pass, so it’s critical to use online classes to get yourself ready.

How do I get my GED in Rhode Island?

Here’s a list of steps you can take to get your GED in Rhode Island.

  1. Start with online GED classes, especially if you’ve been out of school for a long time.
  2. Locate a testing center and contact them for further information on Rhode Island GED requirements. You should be able to find one nearby, even if you’re located outside the largest RI cities in places like Newport, Central Falls and Westerly.
  3. Visit the official GED website for details about the structure of the test and to schedule your exam.
  4. Take a practice test.
  5. Earn a passing score in each of the four subjects.
  6. Receive your high school certificate.

Can you take your GED test online in Rhode Island?

Yes, you can take your GED test online in Rhode Island if you attain a “green” (likely to pass) score on the GED Ready practice test. The convenience of taking the test online is a big plus for residents of The Ocean State.

Is the GED free in Rhode Island?

No, the GED is not free in Rhode Island. Visit the GED Testing Service Website to find the current cost for each subtest and any other requirements that you might need to know for taking the test in RI.

How hard is the GED test in Rhode Island?

The GED test is just as hard in Rhode Island as it is in any other state because the GED is a national exam that’s the same in every state. In other words, it doesn’t matter what your hometown is - Pawtucket, East Providence, Woonsocket, you name it - the test can be quite difficult if you aren’t prepared. That’s why it’s so important to use an online GED study guide, particularly in the harder subject areas such as math.

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