VVC Math Placement Test Prep

Ace the test and place out of remedial math!

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Need to prepare for the VVC placement test? MATHhelp.com offers a complete math placement test prep course. Don’t get stuck in remedial math. Place out instead!

What math placement test does VVC use?

VVC uses its own math placement test. To review for the test, you’ll want a study guide that includes comprehensive instruction, guided practice, and interactive tests. For most students, test prep books and practice questions are not enough, and classes and tutors are too expensive. Fortunately, online courses now offer a balance of affordability and effectiveness.

Do I need to take the math placement test at VVC?

Most students at VVC will need to take the math placement test. However, if you think you might have a high enough score on the SAT or ACT to be exempt from taking the placement test, check online or contact your testing center.

What type of math is on the VVC math placement test?

The math on the VVC placement test covers Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry. Make sure your preparation only includes the topics on the test - nothing more and nothing less. The best test prep courses emphasize efficiency.

Is the math on the VVC placement test hard?

The math placement test at VVC isn’t hard if you receive the necessary individualized instruction when preparing for the test. With a study guide that has a math tutor built into the program, you’ll get all the help you need.

What is VVC known for?

Part of the public California Community College System, VVC, or Victor Valley College, is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).  Located in Victorville, it serves the surrounding communities of Hesperia, Phelan, Adelanto, and Apple Valley.  The yearly total of students, including those enrolled part-time, is between 13,000 and 17,000.  The college offers degrees, certificates, and job training.  Recently, it has added programs like solar panel installation and maintenance, hybrid car maintenance and repair, GIS studies, land restoration, and digital animation.  On the lower eastern border of the campus, the Mojave River provides a water source for the state’s Mojave Fish Hatchery.

As a public community college, VVC follows an open admission policy requiring only a high school diploma, a GED, or another state-mandated equivalency.  Scores from the SAT or ACT aren’t required.  State bill AB 705 indicates that multiple measures should be used to determine a student’s course placement.  Students entering the college may take a placement survey unless they have an assessment exemption.  For example, an EAP (Early Assessment Program) indication of college-readiness in English and math may exempt students from taking the survey.  In most cases, AP (CEEB) and CLEP scores will be accepted; however, the Nursing and Respiratory Therapy programs will not grant credit for CLEP exams.   The ESL CELSA test will be offered to students who need to demonstrate their capabilities in English as a second language.

Nursing is one of the most popular areas of study at the college.  The Associate of Science in nursing, approved by the state Board of Registered Nursing, paves the way to licensing upon passing the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination).  Prior to beginning the program, prospective students must pass the TEAS V Exam (Testing of Essential Academic Skills).  In addition to nursing, the college offers many Allied Health programs, such as Nursing Assistant.  This program prepares the student to take the state CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certification test.  While the college doesn’t offer an associate degree program in the field, its Department of Education and Educational Technology offers certificate programs that are designed for students who will transfer to an institution offering four- or five-year credentialing programs.  Before student teaching can be undertaken through such a credentialing program, usually a short time after transferring, students will need to be prepared to pass the CBEST (California Basic Education Skills Test).  Those intending to teach multiple subjects (K-6) may also need to take the Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET).

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