Pima Community College Math Placement Test Prep

Ace the test and place out of remedial math!

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Need to prepare for the Pima Community College placement test? MATHhelp.com offers a complete math placement test prep course. Don’t get stuck in remedial math. Place out instead!

What math placement test does Pima Community College use?

Pima Community College uses its own math placement test. To review for the test, you’ll want a study guide that includes comprehensive instruction, guided practice, and interactive tests. For most students, test prep books and practice questions are not enough, and classes and tutors are too expensive. Fortunately, online courses now offer a balance of affordability and effectiveness.

Do I need to take the math placement test at Pima Community College?

Most students at Pima Community College will need to take the math placement test. However, if you think you might have a high enough score on the SAT or ACT to be exempt from taking the placement test, check online or contact your testing center.

What type of math is on the Pima Community College math placement test?

The math on the Pima Community College placement test covers Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry. Make sure your preparation only includes the topics on the test - nothing more and nothing less. The best test prep courses emphasize efficiency.

Is the math on the Pima Community College placement test hard?

The math placement test at Pima Community College isn’t hard if you receive the necessary individualized instruction when preparing for the test. With a study guide that has a math tutor built into the program, you’ll get all the help you need.

Does Pima Community College accept CLEP?

Yes, Pima Community College accepts CLEP credits. For example, students who pass the CLEP College Algebra may be able to receive course credit at Pima Community College.

What is Pima Community College known for?

Pima Community College is located in Arizona.  It is a public college which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.  Approximately 24,347 students attended classes at the college in the year 2017-2018.  The college has six campuses and four smaller learning centers.  The Community Campus opened in 1975 and is home to the teacher education program.  The Desert Vista Campus offers workforce training to support its nearby communities.  The Downtown Campus opened in 1974 and provides courses in traditional academic, occupational, technical, and trade programs.  Among the programs offered at the East Campus are the Veterinary Technology and Emergency Medical Technology programs.  Housed at the Northwest campus are the hotel/restaurant management and therapeutic massage programs.  The oldest campus is the West campus, which opened in 1970. 

Any applicant who completes the application process is accepted to the college.  For admission to degree programs, students must have a high school diploma or high school equivalency such as a GED diploma.  The placement process at the college uses Multiple Measures or Placement testing.  In the Multiple Measures process, high school transcripts and scores on exams such as the ACT or SAT test are used to determine placement in reading, writing, and mathematics.  GED scores and AzMerit scores may also be used.  For placement testing, the Accuplacer Next Generation tests are administered in Mathematics, Writing, and Reading.  Students who are not fluent in English are encouraged to take the Accuplacer ESL test.  The testing center offers the CLEP exams for students applying for credit by examination. 

Among the many programs offered at the college, the associate degree nursing program is available for those who are interested in becoming registered nurses.  The program is approved by both the State Board of Nursing, and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN).  The program takes five to six semesters and culminates in an Associate of Applied Science Degree.  Admission to the program requires a minimum GPA in nursing prerequisites along with scores on the HESI A2 entrance examination.  The education department offers both an Associate Degree of Applied Science and an Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education.  The AAS degree prepares graduates to work in the childcare field while the AA degree requires transfer to a four-year school for completion of a bachelor’s degree and certification requirements.  The college offers Associate of Arts transfer degrees for students who seek to teach in the Elementary, Secondary, or Special Education fields.   Teacher certification programs are available for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree and want to become certified teachers.  Entry into these programs requires passing scores on the NES/AEPA subject knowledge tests.

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*"Tutoring" recommended for classroom students

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